Happy New Year from Up North

Happy (belated) New Year!

We didn't manage to get out and celebrate in the end - torrential rain coupled with my surf-life saver husband involved in the rescue of two young men down at the beach (the third not so lucky, sadly) put a dampener on plans.

So... much time for reflection during a sleep-deprived week camping up North with the masses (including the design flaws on our new tent).

Looking back at 2023, I unearthed little nuggets of gold amongst the coal that I hadn't stopped to celebrate and experienced a big dose of gratitude.

Perhaps this might be the case for you, too, as you ponder these questions.

Reflecting on the year that was 2023, what comes up for you...

  • How are you different today from this time last year?
  • What was the most challenging period of the year for you?
  • At what moments did you most feel like you belonged?
  • In what moments did you feel lonely and disconnected?

Every year, it is inevitable you will experience some type of loss...

  • What are the things that didn’t go as planned last year in your work, in your life?
  • What parts of yourself and your life ended last year?
  • If you could forgive yourself for something from last year, what would it be?

Often, we forget to celebrate the small things and our small wins. Reflecting on these reminds us of our personal growth.

  • What are all the things you’re grateful for from last year?
  • Who are the people in your life that you’re most grateful for?
  • What relationships were deepened and worked on last year?

It was a year of ups and downs, but ultimately a good one with lots of learnings for me to take into this year, and I'm excited for what lies ahead.

I hope you have managed to get some rest and downtime this holiday, and wishing for you the best that 2024 has to offer (with a whole lot less rain).

Friendship Made Easy in your 50s

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